Table of Contents



Editorial Preface


§1. The editions of Calvin’s Institutes

§2. The problem of the ordo docendi in Calvin’s Institutes

§3. The controversy in Calvin research

§4. The structure of this study                                                      

CHAPTER I. The Christianae religionis institutio of 1536

§1. Calvin as student of Luther in the Institutes of 1536

§2. The introduction

2.1.1 The knowledge of God; 2.1.2 The knowledge of man

 2.2 The Law; 2.3 Faith;  2.4 Prayer

§3. The six chapters of the Institutes of 1536:

3.1 Chapter I. The Law. Including an explanation of the Ten Words

3.2 Chapter II. Faith. Including an explanation of the Apostle’s Creed 3.3 Chapter III. Prayer. Including an explanation of the Lord’s Prayer

3.4 Chapter IV. The Sacraments

3.5 Chapter V. In which the other five sacraments are revealed  not to be sacraments at all, although they are commonly held to be so.  Their true nature is shown

3.6 Chapter VI. Christian Freedom, Ecclesial Power and Civil Government

§4. The structure of Calvinian Theology in the Institutes of 1536                                             

CHAPTER II. The Instruction et confession de foy of 1537

§1. Brief description of the history and the various editions of Calvin’s Geneva Catechism

§2. The 1537 Catechism as a link between the Institutes of 1536 and the Institutes of 1539

I. The knowledge of God; II.  The knowledge of Man;  III.   The Law; IV. Faith

§3. ‘Scripture and the experience of piety’

CHAPTER III. The Institutio christianae religionis of 1539

§1. The new draft [Appendix: the development of Melanchton’s Loci]

§2. The new introduction (I.1-3)

§3. Discussion of chapter one: the knowledge of God

3.1 ‘That the knowledge of God is implanted in the minds of men by nature’ (I.4-10)

3.2. ‘That the knowledge of God shines forth in the making of the world and in its continuing government’ (I.11-18)

3.3. ‘That anyone, in order to come to God, needs the guidance and the teaching of Scripture’ (I.19-38)

CHAPTER IV. Calvins Institutes in its final form: The Latin edition of 1559 and the French edition of 1560

§1. Calvins work on the definitive new version of his main dogmatic work during the winter of 1558/59

§2. The first phase. The work on the first two books, being guided by the thesis of the duality of the knowledge of God

2.1 The first step: The knowledge of God (I.1-10)

 2.2 The second step: The knowledge of man (II.1-5)

 2.3 The third step: Law and Gospel as witness to Christ (II.6-11)

2.4 Provenance and significance of the ‘historica series

§3. Brief overview of the fourth to the eight step: 3.1 Second phase; 3.2 Intermezzo; 3.3 Third phase

CHAPTER V. The tradition of theological dualism and the structure of sacred doctrine (fragments)

§1. The Reformed doctrinal tradition as development of Calvin’s dualism

      1.1    Calvin

      1.2    Melanchthon

      1.3    Ursinus

      1.4    Gomarus

      1.5    Gerhard

      1.6    The Leiden Synopsis

      1.7    The Cocceian Federal Theology

      1.8    Witsius

      1.9    À Marck

      1.10 Buddeus

      1.11 Jean Alphonse Turrettini

§2. Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics as a proposal to the hearing and teaching Church

About the author

R.H. Reeling Brouwer

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